Marketing during the holidays is a whirlwind of promotions, retention efforts and overpaying for media to try to compete with noise from your competitors. As we're focused on finding the right message and standing out through great copywriting, Copyfluent put together a list of dos and donts that will light up your holiday messaging.
Be super unique
Look, everyone and their dog has a holiday campaign going out. With so much content hitting your customers' eyes and ears, it's the most important time of the year to stand out. If you've ever considered taking a risk, now might be your perfect chance.
Say no to cliches
Honestly, for a while it was ok to go easy on them, or use them sparingly. In our opinion, we think those days are over and it's simply time to try harder. Cliches are not your friend. We're not "falling" for a sale, Christmas didn't come early just because you're offering 15% off and I'm certainly not becoming a new me this new year. There are fresh ideas just waiting to be coined, and if you need a little help, Copyfluent is here for you always.
Balance value and action
People spend big money over the holiday season, and you're right to try to get in on the action. But there exists a delicate balance to win customers' attention. You can't sound too demanding in your messaging, but they do still require a gentle push to convert. Actionable verbiage with a bit of caring or playfulness will do you right.
Lead with your USP
Yes, this is good advice for all year round, but it's again especially important through the holiday season. Remind your customers why you're special and why they can't get through these next months without your product or service. Create a holiday experience through your brand and focus more on the abstract. Brand awareness is key right now.
There you have it – clear direction to help your business wrap up the holiday season and ring in the new year right. As always, if you ever need assistance with copywriting. and content marketing, Copyfluent is your premier choice for affordable service and top notch results. Happy holidays and cheers to seizing your business's potential!